Dad yes you are my hero.. We butt heads and karate chop each other in the mall, Or we chase each other with sticks and have light saber fights. You are one of the best dad's anyone could ask for... You may not always agree with what I say or do. but I know that you still care about me at the end of the day. You are my dad. I look just like you thought you being my dad was never a question. You curled my hair for show choir and taught me to be different to stand out live away from the norm. I am happy that you taught me things that I would have never learned with out you. You are my dad and all of us kids partner in crime. I wouldn't trade a day for anything that I have spent with you... I know it's hard to see us growing up. Leaving the house, and doing things that we have dreamed about... Dad I love you more then you will ever know. Though I don't always tell you... I still love you. You are the best of the best and I thank god everyday for you.

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