So... Today SINCE it is Father's day. I thought maybe I would share a little bit about my dad...
So, My dad is one of THE COOLEST Pappy's EVER. He is super silly. He is one of my best friends. He is that Pappy that will do the dumbest things with you. Makes me giggle to think that he is really my Dad. For example when I was home we had Snack time regardless, OR! he will help us pull pranks. He is the guy that will give the sleeping old guy in front of us in church a wet Willy, and blame it on us. He has helped us steal snacks from the kitchen with us. Or has crazy light saber fights with us in the driveway. Shoots the air soft gun at the crazy dog next door with us. He also runs around in the woods with us having paintball games. Helps us.
Car rides are pretty funny with him too. When it was us going cross country we would take pictures of stuffed fake animals pretending to ride them. He is a pretty silly Pappy.
At the same time he is a great guy. I know he has is faults and isn't perfect, but he is the one that shows up for every move in the ward, every roofing job, every service he can do. He does it with out complaint and is happy to do it.. I don't think that a lot of people give him the credit he deserves, which I don't think it brothers him all that much. You can tell that it does bother him a little bit, because the people that are supposed to be the ones setting the example of being great service people and happy to help aren't truly doing what they are supposed to. I know that they will stand before on judgment day and answer for their actions, but I think for the most part Dad will be one that is comfortable with what he has done in his life.
Here's to you Pappy.
Here's to you.
Over and Out.
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