We had a great weekend though, Kyle came to Cedar Rapids it was awesome. It was a whirl Wind of a trip though. Kyle drove the fourteen hours to get to Iowa. He got there around 8:30 AM on Friday took a few hour nap woke up. We took the car to Tuffy's to get it fixed; ran and got some things that my mom had purchased, Went and go lunch ate lunch with the mother in law April( I love that lady she is so funny.) Got back in the the Shuttle van, drove home packed up my things and the dogs; went back to Tuffy's, got the car; went to the grandmothers for some wonderful meat loaf. Wished we could have stayed longer, but ran out the door dropped the dogs off and out the door again to lake of the Ozarks (his dad owns a house down there.) That my friends was only Friday...
On Saturday, we were up fairly early, hung out for a little big ate some breakfast, then sat out by the pool. Then! off to the boat dock where I searched everywhere for Nemo. No such luck (Sad Day). We hung out there for a bit. Then we took turns on the Wave Runner and floatie thing that gets pulled behind the Runner. It was pretty awesome little did I know that when you actually do it will dislocate your shoulders and make it so you can't really shower later... (Was so worth it.) We also went out out the HUGE boat that his dad has. That was fun we stopped in a cove and swam around the boat AND I went into open water ALL BY MYSELF! For those of you who don't know. Swimming by myself scares me and I am one hundred percent scared that a shark will eat me. (Even in swimming pools, Laugh it's OK.) After we got back we grilled and hung around on the dock just "shooting the breeze" I also taught them that dryer sheets do awesome for bug repellent! So proud :]
On Sunday We woke up early again. My burnt to the crisp Husband still wanted one last joy ride on the runner. Man oh man do I love him. So we went back down and played for a bit. We said our good byes and off we went back to Cedar Rapids. We got back to town with enough time to Get back to the house and hang out with my family for a bit They are crazy. Speaking of Crazy, Crazy Cathe was there. She is AWESOME!! Love her so So SO much. :] We had a nice BBQ with family and his Mom's side of the family. It was a very nice evening we had a fire just a great night. Except the part where my soon to be Nephew thought it would be awesome to play a game with his mom and pretend like he may want to come out and then not. Which is OK at the same time cause he is his fathers child and if you know his dad you know how silly he is. We turned in early long road trip the next day.
On Monday we Thanked all of Veteran friends for their service. Until you are apart of the service for real I don't think we can truly understand how much of a sacrifice they had given to make this country the way it is. We remembered that no Freedom doesn't come free. We also had a fourteen hour drive again. We FINALLY arrived on Tuesday at six in the morning.
NOW we are completely organized and back in the swing of things. Kinda funny how much you forget about "Drum" until AFTER you get back. Haha
Here are some pictures from the trip. (All from on the way back to "Drum" Kinda forgot about the camera the rest of the time. :D
Finally back in New York.
Next post. The bridge to Terabithea (Or how ever you spell it) and adventures with Pappy!
-Christin Signing out.
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