I have a new found respect for Jack Johnson... Yes he has amazing songs, and he is just a relaxed Surfer, But his words are what get me the most. I was feeling a bit down the other day... Just stressed for what seemed to be no reason. Just kinda hating the world, and while I was doing the dishes a song came on my laptop low and behold it was just the song I needed to hear by Jack Johnson...
A lot of his stuff he makes you remember that you aren't alone that there are people that love you. It just seems to make you feel a lot better. Or at least me I should say.
I guess I get really really tired of feeling alone (though I am not). Not having any friends here. Just reminds me how much i hate the fact that i have no where to go but here in this apartment of nothing. I know I have Jax, Apache, and Kyle, but Kyle has to work and Jax and Apache play with each other.. Makes me appreciate that I did live with mom and dad, Cause at least we talked a lot. I think a lot of people take for granted their family.. Regardless if what you consider your family is actually your friends, or someone's family; but they are always people there for you no matter what.
Even at Church it is hard to make friends. We have "nice" people, but kyle and I get stared at like we are from some other planet.. The people who are supposed to be dealing with Military people have said like two sentences to us... Though I didn't really have friends in Cedar Rapids and Church was by no means any better. People just kinda stared at me when I went places in Cedar rapids. Well they stare here too.... Maybe I just look funny. I always wonder if I have something on my face.. ugh I get so stressed out about this subject.
Who knows...
Guess Jeff was right we are the kind of people who are meant to be alone... Not really have any friends. We have always been better off by ourselves...
Here's to being alone...
Over and Out
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
While I pretend to be the best house wife EVER. I like to watch a great show called "Ace of Cakes". I don't know why but I love the idea of decorating cakes and making it a lot of fun to do. I think I could do it well. I could make them I think? I guess I would need to try first hehe. Oh but WAIT! I don't even really have a kitchen to cook in!! I don't even have MIXING BOWLS!!!! Seriously I hate having to do this... using pots and pans. I just want nicer things in the kitchen!! Maybe I would actually make more things and try things. Ugh EVEN my MEASURING CUPS are broken. I forgot how much I LOVED mom's kitchen how big it is and everything is right there tons of storage and every single gadget known to man.. man I loved cooking there. Just wish I had all the things needed to actually cook... Lame...
My wish list...
Mixing bowls
measuring cups
Utensil holder (Cause we really don't have any space to put anything)
Canisters(So I can stop having to worry about the bags tipping over)
On a happier note...
My T-shirt folder is AMAZING. I can't tell you how great it is. Kyle makes fun of me for it. but I don't really mind it makes laundry so much easier. Kyle and I don't have a dresser we only have two buckets, a big shelf in the closet, and a three thing which is used for papers and what not... so the T-shirt folder has helped keep our bedroom in order. I love love love it!!!
So getting back to the cake thing.. I have decided to let Kyle choose what are wedding cake looks like. I know that there are grooms cakes but I mean he is controlling the whole cake thing. I know he will do a great job and it helps him be a part of it and I get to kinda not worry about it. I hope. :] I hope it is awesome!
Well Kyle wants to go to sleep So I will post more later. :]
Over and Out.
My wish list...
Mixing bowls
measuring cups
Utensil holder (Cause we really don't have any space to put anything)
Canisters(So I can stop having to worry about the bags tipping over)
On a happier note...
My T-shirt folder is AMAZING. I can't tell you how great it is. Kyle makes fun of me for it. but I don't really mind it makes laundry so much easier. Kyle and I don't have a dresser we only have two buckets, a big shelf in the closet, and a three thing which is used for papers and what not... so the T-shirt folder has helped keep our bedroom in order. I love love love it!!!
So getting back to the cake thing.. I have decided to let Kyle choose what are wedding cake looks like. I know that there are grooms cakes but I mean he is controlling the whole cake thing. I know he will do a great job and it helps him be a part of it and I get to kinda not worry about it. I hope. :] I hope it is awesome!
Well Kyle wants to go to sleep So I will post more later. :]
Over and Out.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
people I wish I could meet
I was thinking about this the other day... Who would I meet if I could meet anyone?..
I would meet...
Susan Boyle, Why Susan Boyle? No it is not because I have a T-shirt with her name on it.. But because she is amazing. She is a person who against all odds proved that it has nothing to do with looks. She proved that she can sing with heart and not feel bad about herself. That no matter if someone is cheering for you or against you, they are both making noise, and if you don't let them bother you then eventually they will all be cheering for you. She truly is an inspiration to those of us who have little to no confidence.
Garth Brooks, I just love Garth Brooks his music is fantastic, He really knows how to make a story out of any song. He really cares about the fans and the music, and is a family guy, He really seems to have a level head.
Any person who has served, I am one that really admires people who have served especially over seas. I guess that people don't really see how hard it is to be in the Military until you have actually been in it. I mean really really in it.
I am sure if I had the time I would be able to think of more people, but I am actually a little busy today! Will post again later!
Over and Out.
I would meet...
Susan Boyle, Why Susan Boyle? No it is not because I have a T-shirt with her name on it.. But because she is amazing. She is a person who against all odds proved that it has nothing to do with looks. She proved that she can sing with heart and not feel bad about herself. That no matter if someone is cheering for you or against you, they are both making noise, and if you don't let them bother you then eventually they will all be cheering for you. She truly is an inspiration to those of us who have little to no confidence.
Garth Brooks, I just love Garth Brooks his music is fantastic, He really knows how to make a story out of any song. He really cares about the fans and the music, and is a family guy, He really seems to have a level head.
Any person who has served, I am one that really admires people who have served especially over seas. I guess that people don't really see how hard it is to be in the Military until you have actually been in it. I mean really really in it.
I am sure if I had the time I would be able to think of more people, but I am actually a little busy today! Will post again later!
Over and Out.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Pappy's Day...

So... Today SINCE it is Father's day. I thought maybe I would share a little bit about my dad...
So, My dad is one of THE COOLEST Pappy's EVER. He is super silly. He is one of my best friends. He is that Pappy that will do the dumbest things with you. Makes me giggle to think that he is really my Dad. For example when I was home we had Snack time regardless, OR! he will help us pull pranks. He is the guy that will give the sleeping old guy in front of us in church a wet Willy, and blame it on us. He has helped us steal snacks from the kitchen with us. Or has crazy light saber fights with us in the driveway. Shoots the air soft gun at the crazy dog next door with us. He also runs around in the woods with us having paintball games. Helps us.
Car rides are pretty funny with him too. When it was us going cross country we would take pictures of stuffed fake animals pretending to ride them. He is a pretty silly Pappy.
At the same time he is a great guy. I know he has is faults and isn't perfect, but he is the one that shows up for every move in the ward, every roofing job, every service he can do. He does it with out complaint and is happy to do it.. I don't think that a lot of people give him the credit he deserves, which I don't think it brothers him all that much. You can tell that it does bother him a little bit, because the people that are supposed to be the ones setting the example of being great service people and happy to help aren't truly doing what they are supposed to. I know that they will stand before on judgment day and answer for their actions, but I think for the most part Dad will be one that is comfortable with what he has done in his life.
Here's to you Pappy.
Here's to you.
Over and Out.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
Morals and Values...
I never realized how hard it would be to live and be married to someone who has different morals and values that I have...
I am NOT saying that my husband by any means was raised as a horrible person or that his parents raised him to be a bad person. Honestly his parents did a great job...
It's just that we have different values, we agree to disagree a lot of the time... I find religion very important. I grew up going to church every Sunday. I believe in having only enough to what you need. I do agree that having money and getting all of the things that you want... but if you make enough with room to still do what you want I am great with having only what I need. Kyle grew up differently, which is great. I am happy with that. I guess it just gets hard when we are trying to decide something. I guess that means that we really do have to do rock paper scissors on a lot of things...
We just have different opinions or ideas of things. Even things that we both like...
Kyle loves modern things new technology the never ending race to get things faster and easier..
Me I love "Vintage" I love bracing where we came from a reminder of the people who have given us what we have..
Kyle loves cars, nice cars, fast cars, race cars anything that will go fast and make others jealous.. (When I first met him he had the fastest car in our high school.)
Me I love trucks, Old trucks. (Though I would love an old super beetle.) It isn't about the horse power but about the ride. No one is ever jealous of my cars..
Kyle loves Basketball.
I love Baseball.
You get the idea...
There are things that we both like. A lot more then you would think... I guess I just get caught up in wanting him to be more like me and less like him... It's not that I do it intentionally, We are learning to compromise learning to accept each other. He and I have talked about how we get mad at each other for the same things because we wanted the other one to agree with us, wanting to get what we wanted and not getting it. which is OK...
Everything will be OK.
Over and Out.
I am NOT saying that my husband by any means was raised as a horrible person or that his parents raised him to be a bad person. Honestly his parents did a great job...
It's just that we have different values, we agree to disagree a lot of the time... I find religion very important. I grew up going to church every Sunday. I believe in having only enough to what you need. I do agree that having money and getting all of the things that you want... but if you make enough with room to still do what you want I am great with having only what I need. Kyle grew up differently, which is great. I am happy with that. I guess it just gets hard when we are trying to decide something. I guess that means that we really do have to do rock paper scissors on a lot of things...
We just have different opinions or ideas of things. Even things that we both like...
Kyle loves modern things new technology the never ending race to get things faster and easier..
Me I love "Vintage" I love bracing where we came from a reminder of the people who have given us what we have..
Kyle loves cars, nice cars, fast cars, race cars anything that will go fast and make others jealous.. (When I first met him he had the fastest car in our high school.)
Me I love trucks, Old trucks. (Though I would love an old super beetle.) It isn't about the horse power but about the ride. No one is ever jealous of my cars..
Kyle loves Basketball.
I love Baseball.
You get the idea...
There are things that we both like. A lot more then you would think... I guess I just get caught up in wanting him to be more like me and less like him... It's not that I do it intentionally, We are learning to compromise learning to accept each other. He and I have talked about how we get mad at each other for the same things because we wanted the other one to agree with us, wanting to get what we wanted and not getting it. which is OK...
Everything will be OK.
Over and Out.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
OK OK OK you win you win you win...
I love Glee.
You win.. haha..
I guess watching the show takes me back to when I would stand in the back of the stage and wishing that my show choir had as much heart as these 'kids' have on this TV show... I kinda miss show choir I do. miss it sometimes when I hear a good song on the radio and I start dancing. Or when I watch this show... It makes me miss how much heart I put in it. Really the last two years.. I will admit that I had no intention of trying out my Senior year. I was no big fan of any of the kids. I hated maintaining the single thought of how much time I was going to have to spend with these kids...
Honestly if it wasn't for the idea of seeing mom's disappointment and the little voice in me saying I should at least try to know if I would ever make the magical Happiness. The group every kid who can sing wanted to be in. The group I watched every year since I was little. It was a hard choice but I did it...
I tried out and SURPRISE (I am not kidding I was really surprised) I never thought I would make it but I did... Now for those of you who didn't know I was always stuck in the back corner of the stage... I honestly don't think I was really given a chance until my Senior year. Where the only time I was put in the back was because I was a strong Alto.. I was actually put in the FRONT like front row. I don't think I was ever so proud... I felt like I was really the only one who cared about the music.. I felt that they weren't about how the music made them feel or how unique we were it was always about the how well we did. I will admit That they had a little more heart then I feel like giving them credit... but really Glee is a good show.. I guess its that show on my list that I will always hate to love it.
Over and Out.
I love Glee.
You win.. haha..
I guess watching the show takes me back to when I would stand in the back of the stage and wishing that my show choir had as much heart as these 'kids' have on this TV show... I kinda miss show choir I do. miss it sometimes when I hear a good song on the radio and I start dancing. Or when I watch this show... It makes me miss how much heart I put in it. Really the last two years.. I will admit that I had no intention of trying out my Senior year. I was no big fan of any of the kids. I hated maintaining the single thought of how much time I was going to have to spend with these kids...
Honestly if it wasn't for the idea of seeing mom's disappointment and the little voice in me saying I should at least try to know if I would ever make the magical Happiness. The group every kid who can sing wanted to be in. The group I watched every year since I was little. It was a hard choice but I did it...
I tried out and SURPRISE (I am not kidding I was really surprised) I never thought I would make it but I did... Now for those of you who didn't know I was always stuck in the back corner of the stage... I honestly don't think I was really given a chance until my Senior year. Where the only time I was put in the back was because I was a strong Alto.. I was actually put in the FRONT like front row. I don't think I was ever so proud... I felt like I was really the only one who cared about the music.. I felt that they weren't about how the music made them feel or how unique we were it was always about the how well we did. I will admit That they had a little more heart then I feel like giving them credit... but really Glee is a good show.. I guess its that show on my list that I will always hate to love it.
Over and Out.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Sometime I wish I had the courage and the guts to try out for America's Next Top Model. Makes me laugh to think about it but some times I get this crazy hair brain Idea that I could that! I could model... I could be one of the girls... But then I remember reality... I am rather short for the industry. I don't think that they would be a big fan of all my scares. I can't stand people who have that better then you attitudes and most of all... I would most likely trip and fall.. Haha. So... Maybe I won't ever be a model... But no one ever said I couldn't at least think about it haha..
So I have gone to the gym for two days in a row! I am going to make it a third day! Yay! I have found a new love for the elliptical It really gives you a work out. Haha.
Over and Out.
So I have gone to the gym for two days in a row! I am going to make it a third day! Yay! I have found a new love for the elliptical It really gives you a work out. Haha.
Over and Out.
Monday, June 14, 2010
The Mail man, Inspiration, and a little more...
I am almost ONE HUNDRED percent sure that our mail man/ the post office in Evans Mills hates us! OK every single time Kyle and I go there to pick up a package or have an envelope that we have to sign for... IT DISAPPEARS, IT DISAPPEARS, IT FREAKING DISAPPEARS!!! Like my package from Urban outfitters, I NEVER got it. They even left a note on my door saying that they had my package and when I took it in they pretty much told me I was stupid for bringing that note in and that they didn't have my box! Now Kyle had a thing at the post office and they told us that they didn't have it and talked to us like we were stealing someone else mail no offense but what was sent to Kyle it is a little hard to steal that. I mean really come on!!! Or mail man doesn't bring us love mail either. All we get is coupons to a place that isn't even near us! Sometimes we don't even get mail! So! here is my plea... Dear mail man.... Can we please get love mail... Something fun and exciting.
Inspirational things don't happen very often.. So I am trying to gather some inspiration for anything. I listen to music all the time I never end up remember sometimes. I did find this song the other day bu Angel Taylor Called "like you do".. I sing it all the time but not much for inspiration.. Just waiting for something...
Today I went to the Gym YAY I am so proud of myself I did a great job working my guns haha. Kyle and I have been planning a lot of things trying to get or lives in order I guess. I think us planning almost every detail has and will serve us very well. I know that more of planning and organization will go down once we have kids, but for now we are doing great with the organizations. We are doing great. So hopefully we will keep it up. I feel better knowing that we are an organized well put together family.
Looking around us I think that we are more put together then some. I am glad that we are the way we are.... I don't like having to wonder about money all the time...
I do like wondering about random things though. :]
Over and Out
Inspirational things don't happen very often.. So I am trying to gather some inspiration for anything. I listen to music all the time I never end up remember sometimes. I did find this song the other day bu Angel Taylor Called "like you do".. I sing it all the time but not much for inspiration.. Just waiting for something...
Today I went to the Gym YAY I am so proud of myself I did a great job working my guns haha. Kyle and I have been planning a lot of things trying to get or lives in order I guess. I think us planning almost every detail has and will serve us very well. I know that more of planning and organization will go down once we have kids, but for now we are doing great with the organizations. We are doing great. So hopefully we will keep it up. I feel better knowing that we are an organized well put together family.
Looking around us I think that we are more put together then some. I am glad that we are the way we are.... I don't like having to wonder about money all the time...
I do like wondering about random things though. :]
Over and Out
Fort Drum Diaries.,
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
TV Shows, Fort Drum Diaries, and life...
TV shows, movies EVERYTHING possibly shown on that flat screen TV in our living room captivates me... Some of them are so funny just because they are SO dramatic. For example "The Secret Life an American Teenager" is SO dramatic. I HONESTLY (I mean this in the kindest of ways) think the stuff that happens in this show doesn't even happen in Trailer Parks. Everyone is having every one's babies and people are punching people. Couples are swapping "mates" It's funny how dramatic they make the teenage life seem. I can tell you ones life seems so much more dramatic when it is happening to you. but.. Really I don't think it's all that dramatic as the show depicts but maybe that's not true maybe in some small town this show has been modeled after it. Either way I have still remained a faithful watcher. I will also admit that the one show I believe has ruined TV has also become a good show to watch though I HATE the fact that it is about show choir. But.... It's still good. Good music, and what not. I still maintain that it has ruined TV but what ever...
Fort Drum.. Oh Fort Drum... Full of nothingness. Oh well It hasn't been that bad since I have been back trying to find a job and of course no such luck. I kinda... I wanna cry. Oh well. Things are going OK at least. I got to wander post the other day and found the Gym they actually have a really really nice gym so I will be working out more often. They also have a thrift shop on base along with a craft store... Hmm... Interesting. I never really went into these things but I will be making a point. Fort Drum maybe you aren't so bad after all...
Life as we know is still happening. Things are always going on in my head. Thoughts mostly. Sometimes a little blood or even a headache.. Things have always been better narrated in my head... Better put together. I have always wanted to put into words my thoughts and the little show in my head, but will they ever serve to be wonderful in words... Most likely not. but I am OK with that. :] my thoughts are my thoughts any ways. Heh oh well...
Over and OUT...
Fort Drum.. Oh Fort Drum... Full of nothingness. Oh well It hasn't been that bad since I have been back trying to find a job and of course no such luck. I kinda... I wanna cry. Oh well. Things are going OK at least. I got to wander post the other day and found the Gym they actually have a really really nice gym so I will be working out more often. They also have a thrift shop on base along with a craft store... Hmm... Interesting. I never really went into these things but I will be making a point. Fort Drum maybe you aren't so bad after all...
Life as we know is still happening. Things are always going on in my head. Thoughts mostly. Sometimes a little blood or even a headache.. Things have always been better narrated in my head... Better put together. I have always wanted to put into words my thoughts and the little show in my head, but will they ever serve to be wonderful in words... Most likely not. but I am OK with that. :] my thoughts are my thoughts any ways. Heh oh well...
Over and OUT...
Fort Drum Diaries.,
Monday, June 7, 2010
The Bridge To Terabithia, and AWESOME times with Pappy. :D
So! To explain this... In Center Point a town North of Cedar Rapids there is this foot bridge that leads to no where. This guy just has this random foot bridge in his yard its really funny and every time we drive past it Pappy and I would joke about it. It's really funny. Well Jeff, Pappy and I all took a picture on our way to Terabithia With dad in a cape and Jeff with a sword. Check out the pictures they are pretty funny.

On our way home we stopped at a gas station where they have "arrows" sticking out of the ground Pappy and I being silly decided to take some pictures. We were trying to achieve the look of the arrow was sticking out of us. But the "arrows" are so big! Still! a great time and STILL really funny. (at least to us)

There is our little adventure. :D Until next time
-Christin Over and Out!
On our way home we stopped at a gas station where they have "arrows" sticking out of the ground Pappy and I being silly decided to take some pictures. We were trying to achieve the look of the arrow was sticking out of us. But the "arrows" are so big! Still! a great time and STILL really funny. (at least to us)
There is our little adventure. :D Until next time
-Christin Over and Out!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Missing Iowa, The Trip, and back to the "Drum"
I have been gone for two months. It was time to go back.
We had a great weekend though, Kyle came to Cedar Rapids it was awesome. It was a whirl Wind of a trip though. Kyle drove the fourteen hours to get to Iowa. He got there around 8:30 AM on Friday took a few hour nap woke up. We took the car to Tuffy's to get it fixed; ran and got some things that my mom had purchased, Went and go lunch ate lunch with the mother in law April( I love that lady she is so funny.) Got back in the the Shuttle van, drove home packed up my things and the dogs; went back to Tuffy's, got the car; went to the grandmothers for some wonderful meat loaf. Wished we could have stayed longer, but ran out the door dropped the dogs off and out the door again to lake of the Ozarks (his dad owns a house down there.) That my friends was only Friday...
On Saturday, we were up fairly early, hung out for a little big ate some breakfast, then sat out by the pool. Then! off to the boat dock where I searched everywhere for Nemo. No such luck (Sad Day). We hung out there for a bit. Then we took turns on the Wave Runner and floatie thing that gets pulled behind the Runner. It was pretty awesome little did I know that when you actually do it will dislocate your shoulders and make it so you can't really shower later... (Was so worth it.) We also went out out the HUGE boat that his dad has. That was fun we stopped in a cove and swam around the boat AND I went into open water ALL BY MYSELF! For those of you who don't know. Swimming by myself scares me and I am one hundred percent scared that a shark will eat me. (Even in swimming pools, Laugh it's OK.) After we got back we grilled and hung around on the dock just "shooting the breeze" I also taught them that dryer sheets do awesome for bug repellent! So proud :]
On Sunday We woke up early again. My burnt to the crisp Husband still wanted one last joy ride on the runner. Man oh man do I love him. So we went back down and played for a bit. We said our good byes and off we went back to Cedar Rapids. We got back to town with enough time to Get back to the house and hang out with my family for a bit They are crazy. Speaking of Crazy, Crazy Cathe was there. She is AWESOME!! Love her so So SO much. :] We had a nice BBQ with family and his Mom's side of the family. It was a very nice evening we had a fire just a great night. Except the part where my soon to be Nephew thought it would be awesome to play a game with his mom and pretend like he may want to come out and then not. Which is OK at the same time cause he is his fathers child and if you know his dad you know how silly he is. We turned in early long road trip the next day.
On Monday we Thanked all of Veteran friends for their service. Until you are apart of the service for real I don't think we can truly understand how much of a sacrifice they had given to make this country the way it is. We remembered that no Freedom doesn't come free. We also had a fourteen hour drive again. We FINALLY arrived on Tuesday at six in the morning.
NOW we are completely organized and back in the swing of things. Kinda funny how much you forget about "Drum" until AFTER you get back. Haha
Here are some pictures from the trip. (All from on the way back to "Drum" Kinda forgot about the camera the rest of the time. :D

Finally back in New York.
Next post. The bridge to Terabithea (Or how ever you spell it) and adventures with Pappy!
-Christin Signing out.
We had a great weekend though, Kyle came to Cedar Rapids it was awesome. It was a whirl Wind of a trip though. Kyle drove the fourteen hours to get to Iowa. He got there around 8:30 AM on Friday took a few hour nap woke up. We took the car to Tuffy's to get it fixed; ran and got some things that my mom had purchased, Went and go lunch ate lunch with the mother in law April( I love that lady she is so funny.) Got back in the the Shuttle van, drove home packed up my things and the dogs; went back to Tuffy's, got the car; went to the grandmothers for some wonderful meat loaf. Wished we could have stayed longer, but ran out the door dropped the dogs off and out the door again to lake of the Ozarks (his dad owns a house down there.) That my friends was only Friday...
On Saturday, we were up fairly early, hung out for a little big ate some breakfast, then sat out by the pool. Then! off to the boat dock where I searched everywhere for Nemo. No such luck (Sad Day). We hung out there for a bit. Then we took turns on the Wave Runner and floatie thing that gets pulled behind the Runner. It was pretty awesome little did I know that when you actually do it will dislocate your shoulders and make it so you can't really shower later... (Was so worth it.) We also went out out the HUGE boat that his dad has. That was fun we stopped in a cove and swam around the boat AND I went into open water ALL BY MYSELF! For those of you who don't know. Swimming by myself scares me and I am one hundred percent scared that a shark will eat me. (Even in swimming pools, Laugh it's OK.) After we got back we grilled and hung around on the dock just "shooting the breeze" I also taught them that dryer sheets do awesome for bug repellent! So proud :]
On Sunday We woke up early again. My burnt to the crisp Husband still wanted one last joy ride on the runner. Man oh man do I love him. So we went back down and played for a bit. We said our good byes and off we went back to Cedar Rapids. We got back to town with enough time to Get back to the house and hang out with my family for a bit They are crazy. Speaking of Crazy, Crazy Cathe was there. She is AWESOME!! Love her so So SO much. :] We had a nice BBQ with family and his Mom's side of the family. It was a very nice evening we had a fire just a great night. Except the part where my soon to be Nephew thought it would be awesome to play a game with his mom and pretend like he may want to come out and then not. Which is OK at the same time cause he is his fathers child and if you know his dad you know how silly he is. We turned in early long road trip the next day.
On Monday we Thanked all of Veteran friends for their service. Until you are apart of the service for real I don't think we can truly understand how much of a sacrifice they had given to make this country the way it is. We remembered that no Freedom doesn't come free. We also had a fourteen hour drive again. We FINALLY arrived on Tuesday at six in the morning.
NOW we are completely organized and back in the swing of things. Kinda funny how much you forget about "Drum" until AFTER you get back. Haha
Here are some pictures from the trip. (All from on the way back to "Drum" Kinda forgot about the camera the rest of the time. :D
Finally back in New York.
Next post. The bridge to Terabithea (Or how ever you spell it) and adventures with Pappy!
-Christin Signing out.
Fort Drum Diaries.,
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