Sunday, March 28, 2010

Learning to bake one step at a time.

I thought I would bake today cause Kyle has duty all day. I made these awesome muffins. To say the least they were a HUGE hit. Next... Home made Cinnamon Rolls. The adventures of my Muffins.

Hope we have luck with further endeavors.


Friday, March 26, 2010

Chinese Food

Dear Hy-vee

I love your Chinese food and miss it greatly.






Thursday, March 25, 2010

Favorite pictures of Kyle

Man I Love this kid.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Holding Tight...

Kyle and I had a big wake up call...

He may leave soon...

I love him....

Scared yes...

Proud Yes...

Worried Yes...

But I love him...

I don't really call myself an army wife... I call myself Kyle's wife... I am proud to be Kyle's wife.

Oh a good note! Jeff is graduating basic this week. SO proud of him.

Friday, March 19, 2010


Today, while playing house wife. Doing my usual cleaning and watching TV. I stopped to watch Will and Grace. I never watch this particular show, but today I did, and it was the finale. In the show Will said something that kinda hit home. he said "Fate, always brought us together, and fate would always keep us together." I don't know about others but I do believe in divine intervention or fate, what ever you want to call it. I do believe that it has something to do with life. People think that they can play with fate that they decide what they will do and that they completely control everthing in their life; but do we? Have we ever thought that not all things are up to us. That yes we make choices and we do influence our own lives in a way but not everthing we try to do works out and that's not always a problem sometimes it's for the best. More then likely it was for the best. We can complain about how much it sucks that we didn't get what we wanted, but was it really all that bad? I personally don't think so. Things happen for a reason and I don't think that my opinion will ever change.

Fate is what brought us together and fate is what will keep us together.

Thanks Will and Grace.


Thursday, March 18, 2010


I wish my life was a movie sometimes...

Like the notebook or... Something close to that. I don't know. I just love the fairy tale endings of classic Girl movies. How they end up with the funny, romantic, and cute boy.

Now don't get me wrong the way Kyle and I met was the cutest thing I have ever seen. I always had food with me in high school. Mostly cereal and juice boxes. Well one day when i walked in to Mr. Moran's room fate kicked in. Someone next to Kyle asked for some of my frosted flakes. I kindly gave him some but felt super awkward. Well him being cute and awesome; Igave in and gave him my phone number, we skipped class went to lunch, and the rest is history.

I know movies are meant to make you feel like that, but sometimes it just makes me really wish something remotely close to any movie would happen to me. Just wishful thinking I guess.

Oh movies...


Monday, March 15, 2010


All about reinvention...

Wouldn't life be so much more liberating if we didn't think every little thing down to final detail. Sometimes letting Fate happen isn't always a bad thing.

I want to have a reinvention of my life. No I am not going to leave Kyle or do anything outrageously stupid but I want to have a reinvention of my attitude toward things and people. I also want a reinvention of how I carry myself, how I dress and look. No, I am not thinking more make up and what not. I guess this will be a slow change though but thus will be a change regardless. I want people to understand and respect me as a person. There will always be a person or two that don't enjoy who you are or even respect yourself. I am constantly thinking about how others perceive me and how they would react to what I do or what I say. I think that is where I lost myself in high school. I was so worried about not being me that I actually lost me.

I want to learn how to cook and bake better.
I want to learn how to sew better.
I want to learn how to write better.
I want to have a new found respect for different types of art.
Be open minded to new types of food.
Not have to hold my breath when someone looks at me.
be more accepting of my braces.
Find more beauty in the breaking of things. (I just hate looking around and seeing all of the bad things happening to me. What about all of the good things?)
I want to look around a room and find something positive about EVERYONE.
I want to dress like I have confidence in myself, I want to look how I feel.
I want to own more then one pair of heels. Learn how to walk in them better and fall in front of everyone. (only my dog)

Only I can change my story...

The hard part is...


One day at a time.


Friday, March 12, 2010

New York Style.

Oh New York... Things i have observed here...

One... New Yorkers are reckless drivers... BUT! They when they stop at stop lights they stop ten feet BEHIND the white line.

Two... Orange. Is an important color. And EVERYONE wears it. (The Syracues oranges) STILL! NO!!!!

Three: Things are over priced (Yes I now that it is most likely just because it is a military town even then though)

Four: Cars are important.


Six: There are such clicks as "The Subaru Boys" (The have weekly meeting) "The Nerds" Its like high school in a way. makes me laugh.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Few Words...

In the hopes of reaching the moon men fail to see to flowers that blossom at their feet.
-Albert Schweizer

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Dear Jax..

Dear Jax,

I miss you. :[

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Actions and Words

Not much has been going on lately. Kyle works I clean read and watch Extreme home make over. I never realized how deserving some families are of these new homes. There was one guy today that was a biker/ priest by far my favorite person on the show. He turned his garage into a safe haven for kids in the town, He said some thing along the lines that if you are kind and care about someone and let them know that they are worth something that they will in turn make it so that others feel the same that they do. I thought that was really cool and insightful. (though I most likely slaughtered it.) Just was a nice gesture that he who had nothing gave everything to other people. Made me feel very lucky to know such people as himself. those people are the kind of people that deserve the best in life. The ones who still wake up and smile even though their whole world is crashing down. I Admire people who do this. Who know what is more important in life other then having the nice things. They give so that others will hopefully return the favor to someone else.

On a some what different topic.This sounds a little lame but I am an observer I watch other people, and their reactions to different things. So when I am in a large group setting and I am not talking I am always watching people. You would be surprised how many people easily get hurt by the smallest things. Or who wants to be with who. Out here that is all I pretty much do. I observe. I listen but don't talk very often. and it is interesting to see so many different peoples relationships and how they interact with each other. Or how much you learn about yourself. I hope that when people look at me and my husband that they see the people that are trying to make this place a better one. If there was one thing I learned from observing my parents was how to be a leader by setting an example. growing up your teachers and parents tell you that actions speak louder then words and they do. More often then not they do. I hope that I have impacted the lives around me in a good way Even if I didn't reach out and tell people things.

I hope that my actions spoke louder then my words...


Favorite picture of Kyle and I.