Kinda funny how everything can be related to people in some way or another. Jessie's blog (my sister's blog) Though I can't truly connect everything in her latest post to myself. I know that what she said is true and honest.
Kyle and I got married early, really early. Do I think it was a mistake? Not in the slightest. I always joke that God gave me Kyle early on in life cause he knows that I am going to struggle later on in life/ he felt bad for me because the carpet next to my bed had knee marks that I still cant get out of the carpet. I found the person who didn't only accept the fact that I had plenty of baggage but that I had more then most. More then I tell people. There are things that I still haven't told my family that has happened to me. Am I ready? not in the slightest. Kyle not only helped me carry my baggage up the hundred flights of stairs but he also helped me unpack that baggage. He has seen me cry, fight, and scream from dreams. Sometimes he will even stay up and watch the food network channel with me just so I will stop crying...
Sometimes I know others don't get so lucky in life and so early in life as I have... Sometimes people search their whole lives trying to find the person that wants to be there for them not only because they feel they have an obligation after some time but because when they look into your eyes they want to see the smile that has caused so much happiness in their own lives...

Jessie.... Sometimes I think Jessie has forgotten about all the lives she has changed by just being there, by just smiling, by just being Jessie. I know that we haven't always been the best buds that we are now, but I have never ever stopped worshiping the ground my big sister walks on, because she has the courage to deal with what I am dealing with on the outside instead of dealing with inside. I can't believe how much strength she has had to start her life over and to make herself and of course Gus (her dog) first. I know she has knocked over her glass of life and only picked up the parts she wanted and put them back into the glass. Though she has baggage... She is one of the sweetest, kindest, people I ever met, and I know that no matter where she goes in this big world she will touch a heart that will forever remember who Jessie is and what she stands for.
Life is always a struggle some have it easier then others, but I can't think of a better person who has pulled their pants down and mooned life and said I can do this while the whole world was crashing down around them....
Jessie I don't know how you do it. Some time in this life time I will make sure that I use my ninja skills and read your mind just so I can know how you keep that smile that sometimes gets lost...
Sometimes I just listen to the song Jessie and I found a while back by Rascal Flatts and just cry a little because I remember that even though life gets me I always shake it off and on my own two feet I face the world with a smile..
The song is called stand. Here is just a bit of it..
You feel like a candle in a hurricane
Just like a picture with a broken frame
Alone and helpless, like you've lost your fight
But you'll be alright, you'll be alright
Every time you get up and get back in the race
One more small piece of you starts to fall into place
‘Cause when push comes to shove
You taste what you're made of
You might bend ‘til you break
‘Cause it's all you can take
On your knees you look up
Decide you've had enough
You get mad, you get strong
Wipe your hands, shake it off
Then you stand, then you stand
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