The person that over the years I have molded my whole life around... I don't think he realizes how big of an impact he has had on my life and the choices that I have made because he influenced them, no matter if it was because he said something or because he left a thought in my head that told me what I needed to do, or what he thought i needed to do...
I think out of all of us kids, I think the most like you... I am not really one to express myself in public, or pretend to be someones friend when I could care less. I think I have learned that just like you the less people in my life the happier I am. I don't need a ton of "friends" I just need the few that have stood by me..
I know you don't say that you love me or that you really tell anyone but Jen and Mom that, which by me is OK because those are the people who need to hear those words the most. Jeff I have no problem helping you or doing the things that you ask of me because I know you would do the same...
It's odd how we have grown up and just started to kinda know what the other one is thinking, or feeling. We are a family of few words most of the time, we have always stood by what is right, though we have stumbled and fallen backwards, we have not forgotten our parents, or each other.
I know you are going to make a great dad... You have a great example that I hope you take the lessons he has taught you and instill them into your child. I know you will be just as good as our dad was to us. Or in Dad's wishes an even better dad then him, because he knows that you will be great. You have no problem taking the hand of a person and leading by example. You have been wise and your choices in life that will be the best for you and commend you for them. You have lead by example your whole life for Jason and I. I don't think that we would have been the same if you weren't around. I know I would have a lot less bruises and scars, but they always make a great story.
You are a great brother, a great friend, a great husband, a great solider, and soon to be a great dad. I have all of the Faith in you that you can lead this child down the right path of life, that you can hold him into the sky like the Lion King, and declare that this boy will carry on a great name and the great qualities of a leader.
but just because no one really talks in this family... doesn't mean we don't love each other very much.

Love you.