Things have been interesting... Kyle and I have moved into our wonderful Apartment. Things are wonderful, We have furniture a TV a good size floor plan. I can't help but tell you but it has been an amazing time. We JUST got Cable and internet and so as promised I have been taking pictures.
Kitchen/Living room/Dining Room:
Grocery shopping is a blast we did that for the first time together and I have almost as much fun shopping with him as much as I do with my mother. He is just as bad as a little kid; He sneaks things into the cart when he thinks I wont notice. We are good at compromises we have learned, and Meal Plans are ALWAYS a good idea for us. We wanted to eat healthy so we have gotten lots of fruit and veggies, Lots of Organic foods and low fat food.
We have bought two things of cottage cheese and each of them, taste horrible. So! We will be asking the mother about what kind she gets.
Hoping to get lots of pictures on the walls soon, things will be homey feelings as soon as it's time to move back to Iowa. I miss Iowa with all of my heart, I miss my dogs, my Mom, my rusty old truck, Jen, my Dad, The Corn, Kyle's mom, but I guess most of all I miss the security.
Speaking of Security... I will admit I am a very Cedar Rapids Iowa person. But here in New York I am ok here, I am happy about being home but I am happy with being here with Kyle Everyday is an adventure. I know as time goes on and we change that it will be different but for now I am content. both of us have agreed we will live close to home. Or at least try to. We are both home bodies, but in the end we will go where ever we need to go.
Sometimes I wonder about how life will go. I want an education so bad, and I know I will help support my family later on in life. I will have kids and everything. I just want Kyle by my side and a good family and friend base behind me. Mostly family though cause family is important. Thats why I love hanging out with Jen, we had our downs and our ups but now we are better then ever. I am happy about that she's awesome. My sister still doesn't talk to me though. Work in progress. Wish I could be a better sister... I will try harder I guess I have wrongered her. I have to be better.
Love the pictures! The apartment is really cute!! Like I've said tons before- So glad that you and kyle are getting this time together!!
P.s- thanks for the sweet things you said--there are ups and downs, but thats just how it is with sisters. Thats why I'm positive that you and Jess will work things out--you two are sisters and still love each other despite how bad things may be right now..You two can work it out!
Looking forward to more blogs!
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