I never really got to thank you in high school or even when we were younger, I hope you know that you are one of the most amazing, wonderful, and kind people I have ever met in my life. I honestly was and still am jealous of you. You have all of the talent and abilities in world. You have done somethings that I myself would never have the guts to do. You are kind loving and just an amazing person. You have loved me when I hurt one of your best friends because I didn't love him, and he loved me. You were my big brother when boys at school would hit on me, You were my shoulder to cry on when I needed help, You are perfect to me. I love that you can make friends, and that you look like Jeff and I, You tried to keep me from trouble, and tried getting me out of trouble; you shared your snacks; your insight; your knowledge; You shared everything...
I know that sometimes I acted like I knew more then you or that I was better then you, but really you were always ALWAYS better then me. I wish I had the kind of heart that you do. Your compassion and forgiveness is more then I have ever experienced. More people love you and respect you then you know. I am glad you haven't changed because others didn't understand who you are and what you stand for. I honestly have the best feeling that who ever you marry will be one of the luckiest people in world; She will be everything that you want. I just hope that you know that you can achieve what ever you want in your life. Don't ever take what you have been given for granted. Never loose your faith in your family, your friends, and yourself.
I am one of the luckiest sisters in the world for having awesome siblings. I am just glad that in heaven we all chose each other.
I love you Jason.

(I think I am going to write more "letters")