Dear mom,
I just wanted to say thank you... Thanks for pushing me. Thanks for being my mom and thanks for being awesome. I don't think I can ever thank you enough for being there for me even when I was wrong. You were there when I was little and wanted to be just like my brothers, when I was just entering high school popular and happy, When I came off the stage crying cause my shoulders hurt so bad and you had your home made first aid kit ready with your arms wide open, and even my last years of my new life with little to no friends, and my new found love of showing my nerdy self. Even if that meant dancing down the isles of the grocery store singing some unknown band; and all you do is smile at me and continued shopping.
I don't think you mind.
Being my best friend that is. Going to movies, eating dinner, and finding the craziest things in the department stores... I don't mind either though. I don't know how many kids at my young age have a love like mine for my mom and my crazy dad that inspires me to be a better person (Sorry dad your for another post), I am really grateful that up there in heaven in some divine nature we were able to be brought together. I am glad that you have supported me in the things that I thought was right for me. Even if they seemed like a bad idea at the time.
There is still that Taylor Swift song (though I do not fully support Taylor Swift I will admit she does have a few good songs.
The Best Day By Taylor Swift
The Best day
I love my mom I won't lie Shes the best...
Fort Drum..
I ran Four miles today. It wasn't the same though There was no dad and no old people. There was no one actually... That kinda sucked.. Oh well... Other then That Kyle brought me Breakfast in breakfast in bed. That was really sweet of him.
Motivation is a fire from within. If someone else tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will burn very briefly. -Stephen Covey
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Day Four of Fort Drum...
Today wasn't very productive we went to the PX (Kinda like a big grocery store) and got some food. Then went and signed up to get taxes done, slept, played games and now we are going to watch the hang over... Day well spent.. Kinda I saw him most of the day. Couldn't have been horrible.
A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.- Charles Darwin
A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.- Charles Darwin
Fort Drum Diaries.
Day Three of Fort Drum...
Day Three..
Not a very eventful day. We walked around wal-mart and Target budgeting again.. Got the Movie Definitely maybe So we are going to watch it as soon as I am done with this. Kyle forgot his wallet so we had to have Ross (His friend) Bring kyle his Wallet which was really nice. Then we got KFC for dinner. (Don't worry we got the healthy stuff.) And now we are back here.
Kyle is starting to fall asleep better watch the movie.
Night night.
"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." - John F. Kennedy
Not a very eventful day. We walked around wal-mart and Target budgeting again.. Got the Movie Definitely maybe So we are going to watch it as soon as I am done with this. Kyle forgot his wallet so we had to have Ross (His friend) Bring kyle his Wallet which was really nice. Then we got KFC for dinner. (Don't worry we got the healthy stuff.) And now we are back here.
Kyle is starting to fall asleep better watch the movie.
Night night.
"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." - John F. Kennedy
Fort Drum Diaries.
Day Two of Fort Drum...
Day two was AWESOME! We woke up ate some breakfast. Went to put our names on a wait list on some appt. We then decided to check out one more place before we gave up on finding one that would take us that day. Well! as it turns out they had an opening and we were able to put down our down payment. And we are the proud renters of a one bedroom apartment that is close to base. Very very excited we move in the third! I will post pictures once we get the place. After that we went to wal-mart and looked around for a futon so we can have some where to sit gotta make sure we are good budgetters. Mom would be so proud. We are going to make sure that we are healthy eaters as well. No more pop or junk food. Kyle is starting a new work out that we are hoping will help him in his job. I am hoping that it will be good for him. I may actually join him. or there is a nice gym here for families that I can go to. It has a pool and a work out area so that will be nice to go and work out gives me something to do while kyle is at work. He can't stand not having a car so of course he wont let me borrow it. I guess that's fine he just has to give me a ride every where. oh well..
Time for bed It was been tiring. Good night.
success is failure turned inside out.
Time for bed It was been tiring. Good night.
success is failure turned inside out.
Fort Drum Diaries.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
This weekend.. and Day one of Ft.Drum.
Well! This weekend was a stressful time... To say... I didn't have the best time. There were parts that were great though. Spending time with Uncle Shawn and Gamie were good. But around other family memebers it was more depressing then most... I felt this weight of I had to listen and be on my best behavior where I think was not very fair at all.I can't pretend that nothing is happening. I know what is going on and we can't just run from our feelings. Pills and "understanding" boyfriends don't solve your problems. Neither does hiding from other people who have "horribly wronged you" No I don't believe it, I am not a perfect person when it come to my issues but I am smart enough to know not to let them get this bad and or this stupid, If you want to ruin this than more power to you. But i will not complain anymore.
I did in fact have a great time on the way here. The first plane was so small I am a hundred percent sure that it was even smaller then a pack of gum.. lets just say that there were two seats one on either side of the isle. So I got a window and an isle seat. The guy sitting across the isle from me was six four he was huge and he had the worst time getting on and off the plane he was really nice though. Then! who ever created the chicago airport is super uncool. They had four different flights leaving ten minutes apart from two terminals there were a ton of people, so confusing I ended up just following some guy that had the same flight as me. I feel my stalking abilities have gotten better since that experience. The next flight was even better I was able to sit next to a red head and talk to him.. He was nice alittle too nice, We talked alot about what he is doing in life and what I am doing on a plane, how Iowa was and if we had lots of corn. I had to explain to him Iowa is not outer darkness. I don't think he grasp the concept. Which is ok... After that exhusting plane ride of being stuck on the ground about two hours longer then what we were supposed to we flew and thedn my new friend brian walked me out to where my awaiting husband was... good times seeing Kyle's face as Brian introduced himself.
After we waited on baggage I was rather hungry, and the only place that was open was Denny's so we ended up eating there That was nice, you could tell our waitress really did not enjoy here life... I ordered pancakes that is wehn we found out that there is a place that actually called the golden unicorn and they have huge pancakes.. Guess who is going to try the pancake challenge. Thats right me!
In the mean time we were able to make it back to where we are staying and crashed for the night.
"Without hard work, nothing grows but weeds." -Gordon B. Hinckley
I did in fact have a great time on the way here. The first plane was so small I am a hundred percent sure that it was even smaller then a pack of gum.. lets just say that there were two seats one on either side of the isle. So I got a window and an isle seat. The guy sitting across the isle from me was six four he was huge and he had the worst time getting on and off the plane he was really nice though. Then! who ever created the chicago airport is super uncool. They had four different flights leaving ten minutes apart from two terminals there were a ton of people, so confusing I ended up just following some guy that had the same flight as me. I feel my stalking abilities have gotten better since that experience. The next flight was even better I was able to sit next to a red head and talk to him.. He was nice alittle too nice, We talked alot about what he is doing in life and what I am doing on a plane, how Iowa was and if we had lots of corn. I had to explain to him Iowa is not outer darkness. I don't think he grasp the concept. Which is ok... After that exhusting plane ride of being stuck on the ground about two hours longer then what we were supposed to we flew and thedn my new friend brian walked me out to where my awaiting husband was... good times seeing Kyle's face as Brian introduced himself.
After we waited on baggage I was rather hungry, and the only place that was open was Denny's so we ended up eating there That was nice, you could tell our waitress really did not enjoy here life... I ordered pancakes that is wehn we found out that there is a place that actually called the golden unicorn and they have huge pancakes.. Guess who is going to try the pancake challenge. Thats right me!
In the mean time we were able to make it back to where we are staying and crashed for the night.
"Without hard work, nothing grows but weeds." -Gordon B. Hinckley
Fort Drum Diaries
Friday, January 22, 2010
I have been packing since I got off today. I got laundry done. And folded it all, cleaned my room and bathroom. And I all I can think about is I am going to be in New York soon. I can not wait.. Yay! I am going to be with KYLE. I love Iowa and everything... But... It is not my husband...I am still not packing and I have a weekend stop in St.Louis before I go but I am excited.. I am hoping that I will get to see my sister... But who knows... It will suck if I cant... But I will not fight with her. I will just want to hang out with her. I Miss her... Anyways.. I will get to spend time with the rest of the family down there before I go. Kyle and I have been looking at places to live while I am out there it has been very very stressful. I think I can do this though. I think... Kyle is being really supportive though and letting me help make choices. We can Make this work I know we can. :] I am happy to be sharing eternity with that kid... Anyways...
So today I have decided that everyday I will find a quote or a funny fact and end my post with that... It lets me think.. I have learned that I gather more information then I give myself credit for. Kinda glad about it.
I have been talking to an old friend lately... If you know anything about my high school experience you would know that I have nothing to do with anyone that I graduated with... I didn't have the this is awesome! high school experience.. I believe my senior year I spoke a total of ten words out side of class discussion that is not a joke. Anyways. I was able to talk to them and have learn more about myself. Though they don't know it they have helped a lot. hearing about their problems is making me learn about myself. How much of a better person I have become... I changed my hair my clothes and my personality. The very thing that I was running from is the very thing that helped me make me who I am today.. So I thank you old friend...
fifty percent of lingerie is returned to the store.
So today I have decided that everyday I will find a quote or a funny fact and end my post with that... It lets me think.. I have learned that I gather more information then I give myself credit for. Kinda glad about it.
I have been talking to an old friend lately... If you know anything about my high school experience you would know that I have nothing to do with anyone that I graduated with... I didn't have the this is awesome! high school experience.. I believe my senior year I spoke a total of ten words out side of class discussion that is not a joke. Anyways. I was able to talk to them and have learn more about myself. Though they don't know it they have helped a lot. hearing about their problems is making me learn about myself. How much of a better person I have become... I changed my hair my clothes and my personality. The very thing that I was running from is the very thing that helped me make me who I am today.. So I thank you old friend...
fifty percent of lingerie is returned to the store.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
So... Recently I got married to one of the most amazing men ever... Kyle Harding. Wow I got really really lucky.. Though he is deploying soon. Which I am trying to be as supportive as I can. He really needs me. I was there then he decided to join, I stayed with him when he went to basic, and I will be his loving wife while he is over there and even after he comes home. He is just wow. I wish I could explain what i feel when I look into his eyes. It's amazing all I want to do is hug him and tell him that I am the luckiest women... The day we got married we went to a party.. and someone we didn't even know told us that we are the cutest couple she has seen. The way kyle looked at me when I walked down the stairs to meet him she said was the most awesome thing ever. I almost started crying. Kyle has seen me at my worst and my best. And I can't wait for eternity... Here are some pictures of us/ him. Notice how much we have changed over the years. :]

Tuesday, January 5, 2010
My life is Average
I never honestly thought I would be addicted to a website. Then out of no where I run into my life is average. what an amazing website. Though there are lots of Harry Potter things and that's what she said things. I can't stop reading it. :] It makes me feel so Average. Which I like. I like being average. I don't want to stick out... I try not to. I don't wear crazy clothes, or open my mouth in public very often.. I just like being average. Though my truck is below average. :] How average is my family seriously?

The awesome adventures of a few summers ago.

My hero my dad.. He honestly is the inspiration into my tactically silliness. I wouldn't have it any other way.
that's enough today..
I am hoping to actually be able to post more. I have a lot more to talk about...
peace out girl scout.

The awesome adventures of a few summers ago.

My hero my dad.. He honestly is the inspiration into my tactically silliness. I wouldn't have it any other way.
that's enough today..
I am hoping to actually be able to post more. I have a lot more to talk about...
peace out girl scout.
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